Facebook IPO: Cynics and Comics React - castillopairame
Tired of watching the tech and financial weight-lift fawn over Facebook's first public offering? You're not alone.
Facebook's IPO has drawn a hefty dose of cynicism, witticisms, and other assorted tease from around the Web. On a lower floor are some of the to the highest degree amusing reactions to Facebook's first day as a publicly-traded company:
- On Thursday eventide, Ed Hunsinger kicked it remove with a tweet that quick went viral: "Why is Facebook going public? They couldn't figure prohibited the privacy settings either."
- Conan O'Brien had something to sound out along Twitter as well: "Today, Facebook went in the public eye, just as MySpace's last user went close."
Donald Trump
- Brian Run, editor of The Wirecutter, wondered what the bicker was about: "People getting super excited about corporations getting rich. Will never understand it."
- Of course, NMA.idiot box, the Taiwanese animators WHO've previously parodied the iPad, Google Specs and strange tech topics, has already successful a mockery of the Facebook IPO. (Hint: A Zuckerberg dead ringer riding a papal bull down Wall Street and few blood-letting is involved.)
- Tim Siedell, a popular advertising creative director, called Facebook "the new American Dream" patc taking a swipe at co-fall through Eduardo Saverin: "Get an approximation, work up something, foreswear citizenship to avert taxes, sell for billions."
- Software engineer Microphone Rundle took a swing at Facebook's ofttimes-derided ambulant apps: "I'm psyched that Facebook just raised a lot of money because now they john afford some Cocoa developers to build them a native app!"
- The National Post's Steve Murray had his have jab at Facebook's apps: "What are the chances that facebook will open and then immediately debar surgery crash like it does on my iphone?"
- Jack Dorsey's response was just for a co-founder of Chirrup: "Howler. Slow word day."
- Director Nicholas Stoller takes the award for most cynical response: "The fetishization of Facebook stock is weirding me out and suggests to me something deep off about our society."
- Musician Kasey Anderson has had plenty of the wisecracks: "9:28 AM: Woke rising. 10:18 AM: Already well-worn of Facebook IPO jokes."
Fair enough, Kasey. But Andy Borowitz's mock letter of the alphabet from Zuckerberg to potential investors is worth a read, at least. Present's the opening communication channel:
"For years, you've bony your clip on Facebook. Now here's your bump to waste your money thereon, excessively."
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Source: https://www.pcworld.com/article/464622/facebook_ipo_cynics_and_comics_react.html
Posted by: castillopairame.blogspot.com
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